50 Years of History, a Dream Come True
What started with a small stall selling plátanos /bananas and tomatoes from the Canary Islands at the local market in Écija, Sevilla, has become one of the soundest and most entrepreneurial companies in the fruit and vegetable sector. For 50 years, we have been working to offer the best fruit, delivering it on a tricycle at the beginning, going on to the most modern machinery and our specialised vehicles nowadays. We are a company with 100% capital from a family in Seville. We feel proud of our roots and of being one of the few companies in the sector with a significant market share and not entailed to any multinational. However, with great effort and innovation, we have managed to reach the top.
Mr. Enrique Martín, forefather of the current Martimar and the current owner’s grandfather, runs a small stall, selling plátanos / bananas and tomatoes from the Canary Islands, at the local market in Écija.
Mr. Lorenzo Marcos, Mrs. Pastora Martín and Mr. Enrique Martín (these two being Mr. Martín’s children) set up the company Hijos de Enrique Martín S.A. (Martimar). First store in Monteolivetti street in Sevilla.
Move to store in Lisboa street in Seville.
Capital increase and incorporation of Francisco Riego Martín to shareholders. Facilities move to Mercasevilla.
Local office opening in Málaga, under the name of MERCAPLACA
Expansion of facilities in Mercasevilla
Inclusion of other fruits and vegetables
Expansion of our facilities in Sevilla
Acquisition, on the part of Francisco Riego and Josefa Ramos, of 100% of Martimar’s share. Incorporation of the family fourth generation.
First estate acquisition in Gran Canaria. Direct management of an exporting company.
First estate acquisition in Tenerife. Association for production with the Pérez Yanes family.
Coming into operation of HORECA section in Seville. Hotel industry distribution, restaurant business, catering, schools, hospitals, etc.
Inauguration of Exotic and Tropical produce sales area in Mercasevilla.
Expansion of facilities in Mercasevilla and Mercamálaga